Grieving Voices

When You Unleash Your Heart, You Unleash Your Life

Victoria V Season 5 Episode 216

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In this week's episode, I share what I mean when I say at the end of every episode, "When you unleash your heart, you unleash your life." For me, it's more than a slogan; it's a belief. 

I navigated over 30 years of unresolved grief, resentment, and anger to achieve profound personal growth and self-realization. Healing is about unleashing one's heart to truly unleash one's life—a conviction born from addressing painful experiences and reframing and seeing those past experiences differently to benefit my evolution and growth. My initial skepticism could have stopped me from even giving the Grief Recovery Method a chance. By choosing to embrace the transformational framework, the Grief Recovery Method, I unleashed my heart. In turn, I unleashed my life. 

We can identify as broken hearts or unleashed hearts; the choice is always ours.



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This episode is sponsored by Do Grief Differently™️, my twelve-week, one-on-one, in-person/online program for grievers who have suffered any type of loss to feel better. Click here to learn new tools, grief education, and the only evidence-based method for moving beyond the pain of grief.

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Victoria Volk: Hello friends. Welcome to another episode of Grieving Voices. Thank you for tuning in this week. If it is your first time listening, thank you for being here. And if you've been here before, thank you for coming back. This week, I just wanna talk a little bit about what it means to me when I say at the end of every episode, with every guest or a solo episode. When you unleash your heart, you unleash your life. It came up during one of my recent sessions with a client and who inspired this podcast episode actually because one of the things I haven't really shared with on its own episode is my personal experience going through the grief recovery method and and how it changed my life. You'll hear little snippets here and there and podcast interviews whether I'm guessing on another podcast or whether it's during an interview with somebody else. But really, it's that experience that had me come up with this slogan at the end of every podcast episode because through that experience of going through grief recovery, I truly did feel like I had unleashed my heart and so much of my life unfolded and the potential within me just kind of blossomed because I had addressed my grief and worked through a lot of painful and traumatic things in my past and continue to do so. So it's more than just a slogan to me. It really is a belief system that I have. And so when you hear it at the end of every episode, I hope that you hear hope really because without hope, what do we really have? You also need some faith in there, right, trusting the process, feeling supported, that life has your back, that life happens for you, not to you, even the worst of things. It's really difficult to look at the lessons at the time you're going through something that's really challenging or difficult, but there is a beautiful unfolding and an evolution of one spirit after you've gone through a difficult time. If you lean into the unfolding. If you're open to the bread crumbs, if you're open to receiving new information, new tools such as that with the grief recovery method, or any other modality or think something, you know, coaching or what have you that you're looking into. So my experience with the grief recovery method in the beginning of twenty nineteen was one of excitement and also, you know, a lot of uncertainty. I didn't I felt certain that that was the very thing I needed, that was going to help me personally in my grief. I also felt very confident in what I had read and the research I had done and testimonials and all of that that I had come across. That it was going to be, at the very least, informative and a great way to explore my past in a supported evidence based framework which really spoke to me too because I'm kind of a skeptic. I'm not kind of. I am. I am a skeptic. And after trying different things throughout my life and seeing this personal development experiment unfold over at that point five years heavily I will say that if you have children, if you are a parent, or raising children, even if they're not yours, they bring up all your insecurities. They are the I I phoned myself saying lately, children. Your kids, like kids that you're raising are the best personal development project you will ever endeavor. Anyway, going into it, I was hopeful that Finally, there would be something that would would help me. And it was way more than I bargained for in the best of ways or the experience. Let's just say, the very first day of training or the certification or the class or what have you. I woke up that morning. I had issues out of both ends. I was I had diarrhea and I was puking. I was it was, like, the purge before the purge, I call it, And I had actually met somebody. I had come into I did my training in Austin, Texas because initially where I was going to drive for my certification was canceled. So I decided to invest way more than I had to and I went to Austin, Texas for mine and went on a tour bus and met somebody Metigail from I think she was from California. Therefore, a different type of training, not for the same one as me. And we connected and rolled the tour bus together and ended up going to dinner afterwards and had great conversation and we actually ended up having the same thing at the restaurant. And so I texted her the next morning and she was perfectly fine. We had the exact same thing and she was perfectly fine and I was not. So I can only surmise that I was having the purge before the purge, but fortunately, for me, I had already read the grief recovery handbook, which we were going through in our program. And I had done so in between the first before I being count my my first training I signed up for to be canceled and deciding to do the second or deciding to sign up for Austin. So in the meantime, I thought, you know, my husband was like, well, you've taught yourself so many different things. You can teach yourself this and that was, you know, I did attempt to do this alone. I attempted to work through my grief alone because there was I I had signed up months in advance. And so there was still some time for me to attempt to do it alone and that didn't go so well, which prompted me to sign up to go to Austin. And I'm very glad I did. It was not only a learning experience which I knew it would be, but it was also very transformative for me. I I often say that I I was not the same person coming on the plane home as going down there. And everything that I've accomplished in the time since grief recovery was because of that program, was because I addressed my grief, because I did the hard thing and looked at thirty plus years of resentment and anger, lots of anger, a lot of anger, which can really be an uncomfortable emotion for a lot of people, by the way. And I would do it in a heartbeat all over again. And I had a lot of regret. I felt a lot of sadness actually after coming back from that training that I hadn't found it sooner. And that was grief. I had grief around that. I had grief around the me that was apparent to young children who was projecting so much anger and pain onto their kids. I had grief over that. You have so many awarenesses that you discover through going through this program that it's I'd sum it up in one episode just I don't even know that I I could. So in a nutshell, it's it's transformative and it's life changing. And it is knowledge and information that is yours forever. You have it forever. This framework, you can apply it to so many different relationships, not just relationships to those who have died, but to those living, to your relationship with alcohol, to food, money, your inner child, it's so versatile. I don't know of any other program or anything of its kind that although it looks like it's cookie cutter and it's for anybody and everybody, which it is. By the way, it's still unique to you because it's your brief story that you are working through. So what you are unleashing your heart from when you go through the grief recovery method or through my program which uses the grief recovery method do grief differently, which is a twelve week one on one program. You are unleashing the unresolved pain and grief that is probably sitting in your body right now. As you're listening to this, if you are going about your day and something reminds you of a painful memory, there's probably unresolved grief there. A client of mine I'm currently working with had a beautiful awareness where she recognized that how she was taught to approach someone in her life who was struggling with the mental illness was so ingrained in her over so many years to tap into her own emotions and how she felt became difficult. Like, it wasn't it wasn't even the default. Like, the default for her became focus on the other to, you know, try and fix it, to try and make it better, and make sure that the other was okay. That there's so much focus on that and using the correct and proper language around that person as to not upset them or make them feel a certain way. Right? Because not only was the is the was the person struggling with mental illness, but also addiction, you know, it's this two pronged issue, She realized, I've been so focused on the other for so many years. I didn't even know how to tap into my own emotions and communicate that with people around me. And so what she's learned through this process is really how to open up and communicate with other people, how she is feeling, how she is feeling, and what she's experiencing. She's slowly unleashing her heart, And I see this unfolding with every client I work with because so many people that go through this program don't even it's like you don't even recognize yourself after at the end of it. You do, but you don't. It's like, I think you recognize the parts of you that you've buried so deep, that even you are surprised by what you see in the mirror at the end of this. And it's a beautiful thing. And if there is anything that I can share with you today that would be helpful, is that whatever you are doing to move yourself forward, whether it's grief recovery or not. You know, grief is cumulative and it's cumulatively negative, but healing is cumulative and it's cumulatively positive. So every little thing that you're doing daily, your daily actions, things that are moving you forward are still a very important part of your healing, are still a very important part of unleashing your heart. But if you want to really dig in deep and get to the nitty gritty and dense time really, the time it takes to do all these other things and, you know, one thing stacked on the other, whether it's yoga and meditation or, you know, all these things stack up. Right? And are good things, you know, grief recovery, do grief differently. This is like my one hundred and forty four hertz fork when I use in that I use in biofuel tuning, it just really gets to the nitty gritty. And if you want to get to the nitty gritty, to unleash your heart so you can unleash your life. This is the one program that I wholeheartedly stand behind. And I wouldn't have experienced it myself and continue to do the work I would have quit doing this a long time ago, but I believe in it so much. So that's what it means to me when I say at the end of every episode, when you unleash your heart, you unleash your life. It's a belief that I have. And if you believe that it's possible that you can unleash your heart and unleash your life, I would love to work with you. Or just be a part of my journey, be a part of this community. Share this episode. Share my work. If you're not ready to dive in deep. You're paying it you're still paying it forward and every little bit of information that you take in is just one step in front of the other. And I encourage you to keep doing so. He is again. Holding on to hope is one of the most important aspects of healing and I never thought it was possible for me to let go of my anger and pain and resentment and work through the trauma that I had experienced in my past, but I did. And I'm sitting here talking to you about it. Because I guarantee you for you, the you know, the worst has already happened. And what do you have to lose? What do you have to lose by not unleashing your heart? My friend, it's really difficult to unleash your life if you haven't, unleash your heart. So I hope that was inspiring for you. I hope that you feel a sense of hope after listening to this. I hope that your curiosity has been piqued about to grief differently or grief recovery with I mean, there's specialists all around the world. You can go to the grief recovery method dot com You can find a specialist near you. There's certain training that needs to happen to do this work online, which I have. So I can do this work online. I can do this work in groups, in person, and groups online. So if you're interested, please reach out for more information. That's it for today. Just wanted to share my experience of going through grief recovery and It's not easy work, but it's so rewarding. And I still reap the rewards going on five years later. So I wish that the same for you. Alright. My friends until next time. When you unleash your heart, you unleash your life.
Much love.

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