Grieving Voices

Stepping Back To Move Forward: Lessons From Spirit

Victoria V Season 4 Episode 189

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For this week's episode, I drew inspiration from an oracle deck by creator Colette Baron-Reid called Postcards from Spirit. Its message to you, my audience, and myself was the importance of stepping back to observe our thoughts and behaviors. This card pull reading inspired me to share my personal experience in decision-making as it relates to my business and how stepping away helped me gain clarity. The episode touches on human design, emotional authority, and the traps of fear-based decisions while offering encouragement.

Key Points Discussed: 

  • Oracle Card Inspiration: Victoria begins by sharing an Oracle card reading meant to provide guidance for herself and listeners.
  • Observation as a Tool: Emphasizes the value of being an observer of life's situations rather than reacting impulsively or emotionally.
  • Personal Anecdote on Decision Making: I share a recent, behind-the-scene experience in making a business decision. 
  • Human Design Insights: This is a brief introduction to Human Design elements, such as 'emotional authority,' that impact decision-making processes.
  • Growth Through Challenges: Encourages embracing opportunities that push us beyond our comfort zones for personal growth.
  • Grief Reflections: The observation theme is connected to grieving, urging listeners to examine their beliefs about suffering and healing.
  • Taking Action Toward Peaceful Living: Inspires listeners to take small steps towards observing their inner selves for peace.
  • I invite anyone who wants to further the discussion or would like additional support to reach out for a free consultation.




  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
  • Crisis Text Line provides free, 24/7 support via text message. Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a trained Crisis Counselor

If you are struggling with grief due to any of the 40+ losses, free resources are available HERE.


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This episode is sponsored by Do Grief Differently™️, my twelve-week, one-on-one, in-person/online program for grievers who have suffered any type of loss to feel better. Click here to learn new tools, grief education, and the only evidence-based method for moving beyond the pain of grief.

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Victoria: Hello. Hello. Thank you for tuning in to this week's episode of grieving voices. I am your host, Victoria. And I wasn't sure what I was going to do for today's episode in just decided I would pull a card from one of my oracle decks to see if I felt inspired. And I chose my favorite deck to pull a card from. And it's called postcards from Spirit, and it's from been created by Colette Baron Reid, who is the bestselling author of the map and uncharted. I have not read her books, but I might have to just because I absolutely love this deck so much. I bring it to expos and public events that I go to where I share about grief recovery and the grief work that I do and energy healing, and I ask people if they would like a a card pulled. And the is the deck I usually use and it's amazing to me how people read these cards and they're brought to tears. It's as if it really is a message from one of their dearly departed, just giving them a message of of hope or comfort or just exactly what they needed to hear that day. And so when I pulled this card, I pulled it with the intention of what my audience, what you out there may need to hear today. And So I'm gonna read the card and then I'm just gonna share some reflections around it and my thoughts about it. Deer you. Now as one of those times, you're being asked to add some distance. Take a step back and do nothing but observe. Don't worry about how long it will take to regroup. Just know it's temporary and actually an opportunity to take a breath, slow down and look at how far you've come. Decisions for the highest good are made when you have clarity, which comes from being open to information from both the intellect, and the intuition. When you step into the role of observer, it's as if you turn on a switch that allows your soul to be an essential part of the information gathering and decision making process. In this way, you can approach things from a more neutral and non judgmental place. We know you'll make the right choice. Trust us when we say now is not the time to get too close to the fray. Step back now. You will be glad you did. When I read that, I thought a lot about just how we go about our day to day, not even being an observer. Of our own behavior, of our beliefs, of the thoughts that we have about ourselves, Maybe even others, judgments of others, a quick glance and we have this quick thought We don't observe our own thoughts. We don't take the time enough to observe ourselves, our behavior, our thoughts, our beliefs, all of it. And I think what I've personally learned just even through human design, in my human design as a manifesto, which I'll link in the show notes if you're not sure what that is. I'm not gonna go down that rabbit hole today, but what I learned is, for me, what I need to do to get my clarity and to observe is to step away from whatever it is is activating me in the moment. Whether it is a decision to be made or I'm gathering information like this is the perfect card probably for me and this is probably something I needed to hear too. But a reminder for me and you that if you are an emotional authority in human design, which is fifty percent of the population, If you are an emotional authority, you have to ride your emotional wave. We are not in a Claire And we are not clear in our decision making process. We are not in a neutral place. When we make decisions on an emotional high or in an emotional low. I'll give you an example. I recently was like February or so I had been well, starting in January, actually, I had been debating on if I wanted to hire the certain business coach. And I it just threw me into this emotional roller coaster that was so unexpected it was a significant investment. I'd never invested that much in myself nor for my personal development in my business for I've invested plenty. Trust me, in my certifications and in learning. And growing for my business, but never to this degree. And it really just threw me for a loop. I I mean, I was I couldn't sleep. I was trying to intellectually rationalize why I thought I wanted this, why I couldn't afford it, or why I didn't deserve it, or all these things like it was it was literally like an emotional roller coaster. And but what was at the heart of it was that in what I came to understand when I stepped away and journaled through my emotions, which, you know, I have a defined throat. If you have a defined throat, you need to get this stuff out. I think either way, you need to get the stuff out, but, you know, emotionally or you know, with sound or singing or poetry, like, the if you have a defined throat, like, you have a motor in your throat that needs to get things up and out verbally. And So I started to do that. I started to talk with some trusted friends, talk it through with trusted friends, journal it through, and really did my due diligence on making sure that I was gonna get to a place that I felt like it was a decision that was coming from a neutral place and that I wasn't trying to intellectualize my decision, and I wasn't trying to shut down my intuition at at the same time. Honoring both, the both and, like, I can feel scared, but I can also feel excited about this opportunity Not knowing, will I ever get this opportunity again to work with this person? At the end of the day and after weeks, trust me, it was weeks. I even asked for an extra week to give my final decision, which they were so graceful in doing. I came to the decision that this is exactly what I needed. And what I wanted for myself and for my business and I can tell you that it has been one of the most stretching things I have ever done in recent years. Aside probably since I went through my grief recovery program, since I worked through my grief the very first time. In twenty nineteen when I got certified and went through the program for great recovery myself. So a lot's changed for me since that time, but just since signing up with this coach, it was almost like that act of of choosing and doing that has really stretched me and that's what I wanted. I wanted growth in a different way. I wanted to challenge my beliefs around what I deserved or what was, you know, money. Money is a huge issue for so many people. But I found a way. I found a way, and I have made a way. And because it was a priority, for me. And but I had to come to the place of being an observer first. And how many decisions do we make? Not observing. Just making a fear based decision. For the most part, I think most of us make fear based decisions. Had I said no to this opportunity, which I was looking at it like an opportunity number one, but had I said no to it, I thought that through to the end, like, I would have I I would have felt like I missed an opportunity to expand and grow my business in a way that I couldn't see it for myself. And also, I know myself well enough to know then I need some accountability. And, you know, so some of us, you know, do really well answering to ourselves what some of us need. More than that, some of us need accountability, partners, or somebody to, hey, did you do that thing? And I'm very good at pushing people off the ledge. Of whatever it is they're trying to do or wanting to do. So if you need a ledge pusher like I'm your gal, if there is a dream or a goal that you've been putting on the back burner and have been afraid to do, I can be your courage, your ounce of courage that you need. And I can be your pusher because I love pushing people. To meet their potential. And that comes back to my u map, which I have Maximizer in my top ten, so I love to maximize other people into their meeting their potential. Anyway, I'm getting on a tangent of view map and human design and all of that. But coming back to this card, I want you just to think about and maybe listen to it again in the framework of your grief. You know, if you're not observing yourself, and your beliefs, and your grief, what is that costing you? Do you believe that you are just destined to suffer the rest of your life? That how you're feeling today? Is how you're just always gonna feel and why bother? That was me at one time? That's a lie. I'll tell you that is a lie. Check-in with your intuition. Make a point to observe yourself. Observe your behavior, observe your thoughts? Like, why am I thinking this way? Why do I think that is true? What is the evidence? What proof do I have? We will always look for the proof in whatever of how we perceive things. We will look for the proof to back that up. Right? We don't like to be challenged in our in our thought patterns and beliefs. Particularly, we don't like it. But that's what I think is what's keeping so many people stuck in their grief in particular. Is they're not being challenged in that way. They're not challenging themselves. They're not being the observer of their own selves because we can we can project our pain and our suffering on other people all we want, but it's not gonna bring us to peace. That's an inside job. Peace is an inside job. And it starts with being an observer. And that's that's my reflection on this card and I'm really glad I just, you know, I needed some inspiration for today's episode, and I it was the perfect card. For today, for you, and for me, a reminder of how far I've come, Since I've been working on my grief in early twenty nineteen, my life has just exploded in the best way. In growth, in learning, and It's expanded in all areas of my life really. You know, I worked out this morning and it was a really hard workout. That I hadn't done in quite some time. In fact, I hadn't picked up weights in quite some time. I had been doing power walks and stuff, but because I'd yeah. I'd hired a biz I'd I'd hired a health coach and was working with her and did was doing awesome. But for whatever reason, I can't remember there was something that happened and it just kinda derailed me and I just I wasn't picking up the weights anymore, and now I'm back to square one. When you don't use it, you lose it. And that is the truth when it whether it's your body, your mind, your heart, If you don't give yourself love, you lose it, you start to lose it for yourself. And So yeah, I hope this inspired you to take some sort of small action today If you want to discuss further or talk deeper about whatever came up for you, I would love that. I'm all for free consultations. If I can better help and serve you, I that's what I'm here to do. And otherwise, I will see you next week here in iTunes. Google Podcasts or Spotify wherever you're listening to me. It's available on all platforms. You can even say, Alexa, play, griving voices, podcasts, and it'll start playing. So, I'm here when you need me.
And remember, When you unleash your heart, you unleash your life. Much love.

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